
Sponsored By:
Downtown Jackson Partners
Jackson Chamber of Commerce

Serves as the general governing body of the organization. Responsible for rules, regulations and oversight.
Ben Allen
Betsy Bradley
Cynthia Buchanan
Millie Clanton
Brad Franklin
Michelle Hawkins
Kristi Hendrix
Kim Hilliard
Bobby LaCoste
Sue Lobrano
Mark McCormack
Kelvin Moore
Don Potts
Dallas Quinn
Janet Scott
Jack Thomas
Cassandra Welchlin
Primus Wheeler
Beau Whittington
Clay Williams
Bob Wilson
Wanda Wilson
Deborah Wright

Acts as the clearinghouse of all program requests and responsible for scheduling the bi-monthly programs.
Ben Allen
Alon Bee
Cynthia Buchanan

Anthony Dean
Catherine Florreich

Ryan Florreich
Kristi Hendrix, co-chair
Dana Larkin
Jonathan Larkin
Jonathan Lee
Duane O'Neill
David Pharr
, co-chair
Dr. David Powe
Primus Wheeler

Beau Whittington
Bob Wilson

Coordinates any special function of TJ, including bi-annual city site visit trips, local tours, annual meetings and events.
Mende Alford, co-chair
Ben Allen

Michael Beattie
Betsy Bradley
Cynthia Buchanan
Melissa Dean
Sue Lobrano
Kelvin Moore, co-chair

Duane O'Neill
Janet Scott

Cassandra Welchlin
Beau Whittington

Bob Wilson
Deborah Wright

Responsible for membership outreach, recruitment and retention. Will meet with new members and orient them about the organization.
Ben Allen
Millie Clanton
Kim Hilliard, co-chair
Bob Lacoste, co-chair
Beau Whittington

Responsible for all of the accounting, billing and financial status. Will report to the membership bi-monthly. All checks and expense will be paid and accounted for by the finance committee.
Ben Allen
Cynthia Buchanan, chair
Nicole McNamee

Identifies two local heroes for each meeting and presents them to the group during the bi-monthly programs.
Ben Allen
Nick Walters
Beau Whittington, chair

Identifies two new businesses or ventures to be presented at each program.
Ben Allen, chair
Michael Davis
Catherine Florreich
Beau Whittington

Compiles developments and other important information from around the city to be shared with the entire group.
Ben Allen
Cynthia Buchanan
Marika Cackett, co-chair
Brad Franklin

Karen Gilder
John Gomez
Don Potts, co-chair
Beau Whittington
Wanda Wilson

Serves as the public relations arm of TJ. Works on promotional pieces, coordinates press events and serves as the liaison to the media.
Ben Allen
Michael Boerner

Beneta Burt, co-chair
Marika Cackett
Anthony Dean

Kristen Doty
Karen Gilder
Michelle Hawkins
Gary Haygood
Mark McCormack
, co-chair
Emily Ray
Beau Whittington

Highlights special or noteworthy development issues within the city to help resolve the problems in coordination with the public or private sector.
Ben Allen
Alon Bee
Mark Fields
Clay Hays
Philip Holman
Jim Ingram
, co-chair
Mike Peters
Joseph Simpson
, co-chair
Harry Walker
Beau Whittington

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